Meet Glynn Pogue from Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. She is an educator, writer, and journalist, who welcomes challenges and looks at them as opportunities to create. This story was submitted in collaboration with ENVSN.
What did you study in school and why?
I received a BA in Journalism, with a concentration in Public Relations from Howard University. I knew I wanted to write, but I was also interested in strategy, and thought PR would give me a nice balance. Plus Howard’s communication program is so esteemed. I later realized I wanted to tell my own stories in a more literary way, so I went back to school for a Masters in Creative Writing from The New School.
Where do you live today?
I’m still a Bed-Stuy girl, but I cheat on my city with Los Angeles.
What is your job/career?
I’ve got a lot of hustles. I’m an educator by day, but I’m a writer above all. I contribute cultural criticism, personal essays and travel pieces to a variety of publications including Vogue, National Geographic Traveler, and Essence. I’ve recently started extending my storytelling into branded travel and fashion content. I’m also a co-founder and co-host of the Black Girls Texting podcast.
What is a challenge you have faced or currently face and how are you overcoming it?
The past few years have been hard as hell, but also so damn encouraging. The steady grind of trying to pursue a dream without a blueprint can be emotionally and financially discouraging. I like to write longform and I don’t write quickly, so the work I produce takes time. Which means the checks take time to come. I often have to be practical and sacrifice my time to sit and write and experiment, so I can get up and teach—because ya girl got bills. That can be very crushing. I feel like I’m robbing myself, like I’m not fully living my truth. It’s a tricky balance, but I’ve found ways to make it work. I sincerely welcome challenges, and look at them as opportunities for me to get creative.
What does it mean for you to be powerful?
Confidence is power. I struggle with self-doubt often, but I feel so in-charge and in-power when I look at myself and genuinely believe that I’ve got this. I try to remind myself that I’m capable, and I’ve got a track record to prove it. For every moment I’ve thought yo, what are you even doing? I’ve had moments where I think Yo! You’re really doing it!
Do you have a favorite product or item you love that makes you feel great?
I’m obsessed with Noorface’s Skin Glass right now. It makes me GLOW.
What are your passions and hobbies?
I’m passionate about living, documenting and telling stories. I’m passionate about authentic human connection; I love cooking and entertaining and using my dinner table as a means to bring people together. I’m passionate about traveling, exploring and challenging myself to go beyond my limits. I’m passionate about Black folks, and inspired by the way we move, dress, talk, live, thrive. I’m really passionate about learning, and am curious about everything, so I move thoughtfully through the world, writing to figure things out.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Check out my work at glynnpogue.com! And listen to Black Girls Texting podcast. We’re often talking about growing pains and hustling and making it work. Recording it every week has really brought me solace.