Today we are featuring Angelique in collaboration with ENVSN. Angelique grew up in D.C. and now lives in Brooklyn New York. Today she is a dancer and model. In school, she studied Communications Arts with a concentration in film and a minor in Photography.
Why did you study communications and photography?
The merge of these studies with my formal training and passion for dance, I believed, would compliment each other and give me a vast skill set in my understanding and expression of the arts.
“To be powerful is to identify with your magic and OWN IT.”
What is a challenge you faced or currently face and how are you overcoming it?
Maintaining balance is a major challenge for me. Being involved in so many different things, having to constantly switch gears and invest commitment and time into everything — while simultaneously maintaining my mental, emotional and physical health has sometimes been a challenge. The way I have accomplished it all is by prioritizing and being OK with saying no to certain things that are not pressing. By doing this I am able to allot a true investment of time and energy into commitments that are indispensable and essential to my growth.
What does it mean for you to be powerful?
I heard a quote once that said “No one is you and that is your power.” And that resonated with me in a major way because I work in an arena where criticism, rejection, comparison and competition are the driving forces and any area of self doubt will lend itself to a downward spiral of insecurity. To me, to be powerful is to be CONFIDENT.

You set yourself apart when you are not only aware but also completely invested in your talents and abilities. To be powerful is to identify with your magic and OWN IT.
Do you have a favorite product or item you love that makes you feel powerful?
White Roses or a fresh pair of kicks.

What are your passions, hobbies, interests?
Is there anything else you would like to share?