Manissa Montour, also known as Nissafit, currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. She loves reading, learning about history, and making an impact in her community. This story was submitted in collaboration with ENVSN.
What did you study in school and why?
I studied Economics and my other degree is in Political Science. I minored in history. I always loved politics and current events. My original plan was to become a lawyer and find ways to pour back into my community with my knowledge. I also loved economics and the study of the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth, especially after working at a bank. History was also another subject I have always loved. I feel I need to understand history to make a better future.
“I also try to be in the moment more, when I’m out I put my phone away and really focus on the NOW.”
What is your job/career?
I’m a full time fitness entrepreneur and app owner.
What is a challenge you faced or currently face and how are you overcoming it?
One challenge that I’ve faced is balancing work life and my personal life. My friends had to give me a mini intervention and tell me I’m on my phone too much. Through entrepreneurship sometimes you can find yourself working at all times of the day and taking your work with you everywhere you go, there aren’t set times when your work is ever done. So finding that balance for me to keep my relationships and my mental health in a good place has been a huge hurdle for me. I no long work myself all night every night. I also try to be in the moment more, when I’m out I put my phone away and really focus on the NOW.
What does it mean for you to be powerful?
Being Powerful, to me, means being selfless and serving others. It’s understanding your responsibility to make this world a better place than it was before you entered it. It is leading by example and it’s living in your truth.
Do you have a favorite product or item you love that makes you feel great?
My favorite product is my Schwinn Assault Bike, it is therapeutic, it’s an amazing workout and I never regret using it. I feel like I’ve just left everything on the table when i finish working out on it.
What are your passions, hobbies, interests?
My passion is ending generational trauma in my community and serving others, always. My favorite hobbies are reading books, working out and traveling. I’m really interested in movies and history.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I just started Journaling and mediating. They are awesome ways to decompress and really self reflect, taking the time to do little things to improve your state of mind, can take you so far.

Tell us about a day at Facebook.
No day is the same. I usually get to the office around 8:30 am. I immediately grab breakfast and chat with co-workers. After breakfast, I look at my calendar and figure out what meetings I have, so I can plan my day. I usually eat lunch around 12:30. I make it a point to get away from my desk for a least 30 minutes every day to have lunch with a coworker. I love that our office is so social. Everyone works really hard, but we also prioritize connections. After lunch, I head to more meetings or spend time at my desk planning for upcoming events that I’m hosting in the Partner Center.
Do you have any hobbies?
Does Drake count as a hobby? I’ve seen him in concert at least five times. I’m convinced that he has yet to make a bad song.
Anyway, in my free time, I am usually obsessing over new music, going to concerts and trying new happy hour spots with friends.